…while I’m working on the first FACE THE JUGEND TOUR and since it has been some time since my last post, I like to show you some pictures MÖRICE CÜPPER of TURBOJUGEND WORMS has taken in 2014. MÖRICE is a communication design student and has done a great job. To my question: “what was the reason for taking the pictures?” Vice President CHRIS OWEN responded: “We have been so in love with ourselves that we had to document this in pictures.”
I really like the work of MÖRICE and I hope I will be able to visit this chapter very soon. They are grown to 17 members and are really active. In January, CHRIS and President JOHN EVANGELIUM have been interviewed by a local newspaper about the TURBOJUGEND. You find there interview HERE (only in German).
Some of them also founded a TURBONEGRO tribute band named THE COBRA DUDES. They only wanted to play one gig, but they had so much fun that they have decided to continue their tribute band. MÖRICE has also taken some pictures of them.
If you like to hear them play and hang around with these guys, you will have the chance next Friday. THE COBRA DUDES play a show in their hometown WORMS. I sadly will not make it, but later this year I will be in Worms, I promise.
Ahoi! from Hamburg
Miroslav aka Sir Polariot